Friday, February 8, 2008

An Open Letter To The Illini

You can boo all you want, Illinois. Go ahead and throw your beads and ice cubes at an innocent family. Hell, you can even have MIchael Jordan's son on your team. It won't matter. Eric Gordon will punk you like the @#$%& you are every time. You hit him with the cheap Chester Frazier body check before the game. You held him to one point in the first half. You even took him to two overtimes. But, like in 90% of the games you play, you lost. So give up, and stop the hate. Yes, it's true, Gordon originally agreed to play for you, but is it any wonder he realized what chumps you are and went to a real program? You wear orange for @#$%'s sake. Stop blaming Eric for the fact you suck. Blame the fact that you can't hit free throws. Blame the fact that you can't close games. Or better yet, get over it and drink enough Natty Light that the girls at your school actually start to look attractive.

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