Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Quick Stack

Logan #1
(A+) This is the kind of feeling a book with a dream creative team is supposed to give you. While Millar and Romita were underwhelming in Kick-Ass, Vaughan and Risso are stunning in Logan, bringing Wolverine back to the brink of interesting.

Punisher War Journal #17
(A-) Wow, Matt Fraction sure did his homework on the Marvel universe. It's almost as if he was reading old Iron Man comics for some strange reason. These past couple single issue stories has been fairly entertaining character studies, even with Chaykin's scribble art and an extreme lack of Punisher.

Uncanny X-men #496
(B-) This whole hippie orgy thing is developing excruciatingly slowly as this issue leaves us in pretty much exactly the same place as the last one did. Also, it manages to spoil the ending of Astonishing X-men's current arc. Oh, and there's another bar fight involving Wolverine.

Green Lantern #28
(B-) While it's still the best super hero book DC puts out, lately GL seems to have forgotten that there isn't a Corps after the title. Of course, next month, the focus shift completely back to Hal... to retell his origin. Isn't that what the back of 52 was for? Anyway, not much happened in this one, just more colors popping up.

X-Force #2
(C) I guess since they can't kill teenagers anymore, Yost and Kyle have decided to do that other thing they love and resurrect shitty villains. With the big reveal at the end of this issue, it's hard to see how this book is going to end up being the strike force murder squad deal it was supposed to be. It looks more like Marvel's just trying to find a way to get Wolverine in the Guardians of the Galaxy.

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