Friday, March 28, 2008

This Is Getting Ridiculous

You can see the 465,000 other skrullified portraits and the lame animated trailer here. I don't know why anybody's getting all excited about these promo pictures though. Anybody major who gets revealed as a Skrull at this point won't have been one for very long. There's going to be a Skrull spaceship that crashes on Earth with a gang of green and pointies disguised as 70's style heroes with maybe one of them (rhymes with Luke Cage) actually being a real human. Other Skrulls will be Sue Storm, Wonder Man, Spider-Woman (because she's too obvious but Bendis isn't clever enough to have a red herring), Yellowjacket, and maybe one Wolverine. If any other X-men are, then it's Storm and maybe Angel because he's not important enough. Anyway, long story shot, the whole event is gonna be a big cop out because any big names that have ridged chins now are just going to be impersonated for an issue or two and probably without even being captured... like Double D in New Avengers or Ms. Marvel who has an impostor flying around the same time as she is. Of course I'll still be frantic with anticipation like a kid on Christmas Eve next Tuesday.

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