Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Quick Stack

Thunderbolts #120
Apparently Norman Osborn is really what Tommy Lee Jones was going for in Batman Forever. Fantastic, Deadwoodian monologuing here. (A+)

Captain Britain and MI: 13 #1
Now that's how you do an alien invasion. Definitely the best Skrull related read so far, and the Champion's Super Skrull is the best one yet. (A)

Wolverine #65
Probably the weakest issue of Aaron's run, even with the nudie fight. Still pretty terrific though. (A)

X-Men: Legacy #211
That durn Sinister just pops up uhrvrywhere. Also, I really really wish they would just kill off the character that appears on the last page once and for all. This must be well written, though, if I find myself enjoying an Xavier story. (A-)

Batman #676
Here it is, Batman RIP at last... but nobody's dead yet. The splash page of Morrisony villains at the beginning is interesting and the Joker's scary, but it's still hard to get past the art. The next issue will probably give a better idea of if this one is worth the hype. (B)

Amazing Spider-Man #559
Dan Slott is back to save the day, but still no classic villains. This Paper Doll chick, however, actually seems half way interesting. I absolutely hate Paparazzi Parker, but it looks as if that will only last as long as this arc. (B)

Last Defenders #3
Ok, now this is starting to get boring. But, nice to see Paladin. (C)

Still have to get to Guardians of the Galaxy, NewUniversal, GL Corps, SI: FF, and Casanova, but we already know that's going to be pure deliciousness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thought you'd like this: