Friday, September 7, 2007

Beer Fridays XV

With a name like Victory's Hop Devil, you'd think you'd be getting a pretty potent IPA. Strangely enough, it actually seems more malty than hoppy and is far too smooth to be a demon's brew. It's copper colored and copper flavored with the standard soft citrus tang and medium carbonation. While decently refreshing, it fails to deliver much of a punch and has a fairly weak 6.7% ABV. It's not quite a butter face, maybe more of a fifty footer with @#$%-tons of makeup or just a fairly hot girl who talks a big game but has cold fish syndrome when it counts. I suppose you could drink it with a paper bag over your taste buds. Ok, maybe it's not actually that bad, but don't believe the hype. Hopefully Victory's Hop Wallop puts their money where their mouth is. (C+)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're crazy!!! Victory's Devil Hop is one of the best beers ever created!!! There I said it!!!