Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Quick (And Short) Stack

Wolverine #64
Apparently I need to read Scalped, because Jason Aaron's run on Wolverine is the most captivating Logan story I've read in years. Also, Mystique is naked with a bunch of guns at the end. (A)

Fantastic Four #556
Well, this book has definitely left boring territory for this issue. I'm not exactly sure how a big robot is supposed to beat down every super hero in the Marvel universe. I don't think Millar knows either. That's why there's a bunch of snow covering all the action. (A)

Green Lantern Corps #23
That's more like it. No more boring Boodika bull@#$%. (A)

Last Defenders #2
Meh. Moving too slow to call good, but it's not bad. (B-)

Amazing Spider-Man #556
Sigh. It must be snow day at Marvel. As if Chris Barfelo's art isn't hard enough to understand without white blobs covering most of it. This guy should only be allowed to draw nightmare sequences. The story isn't terrible, but in all of this BND stuff, I have yet to see a reason Spidey couldn't be married to tell these half-assed stories with half-baked "new and exciting" villains. Just because you get rid of MJ doesn't mean you have to get rid of the greatest rogues gallery in all of comics. (That's right, Batman only has like three good villains.) @#$% it, I'm going to go watch the first five episodes of Spectacular again. (D)

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