Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Particle Accelerator Tested, Reality Still Exists

Scientists in Switzerland fired up the Large Hadron Collider today and the Earth was not eaten by black holes as many predicted. The Collider is the largest particle accelerator in the world and was a steal at $9 billion dollars. It basically sends a bunch of protons around an underground tunnel in order to unlock the secrets of the universe. Hmm... shooting tiny things down a tunnel to unlock the reason for being... I think I just figured it out for free. Big Hadron hasn't actually collided anything yet and will begin particle smashing in the next couple months, so all of existence isn't in the clear yet. There is speculation that the L.H.C. could create tiny black holes (that are hopefully too small for the whole planet swallowing thing and instead lead to Narnia or Wonderland) or the ever elusive dark matter that combines with Topher Grace to form Spider-Man's arch nemesis Venom.

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