Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New Comic Book Day VII

Well, it's finally happened... A DC book, Green Lantern #21, is this week's highlight. I'm a little sad to do it, but that Sinestro Corps Special was just so damned breathtaking, I'd be lying if I said I haven't been anticipating the next chapter ever since. Green Lantern has always been one of the few DC characters I've actually liked, so I was very happy to see the return of Hal Jordan, but Hal and the Corps are about to get their collective ring toting @$$ handed to them. A squad consisting of Sinestro and his Corps, a Parallaxed out Kyle Rayner, the evil Superman cyborg, the evil Superboy from an alternate universe, and the existence destroying Anti-Moniter is pretty much the most ridiculous amount of adversity ever. Can team green live up to the challenge or will there be a lot of dead little blue guys?

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