Friday, August 24, 2007

Beer Fridays XIII

Sierra Nevada Summerfest isn't bad for a pilsner-style lager, but it's still a pilsner-style lager. It's extremely light and could make for an expensive game of beer pong or a way to satiate your Bud-drinking friends at a barbecue. It goes through a somewhat complex progression of taste in your mouth and is like a more advanced domestic macro-beer at its worst and barely reminiscent of Sierra Nevada's classic pale ale at its best. It starts mostly sweet with a faint fruity, almost melony feel countered by slightly tangy and peppery finish. Most of the bite comes from the carbonation as opposed to the hops that are sorely lacking for a Sierra. It's basically a ditzy blonde, light headed without much substance, but it looks good on the beach. Maybe Jenny McCarthy in her better days. You know, the days when internet porn was mostly black and white and it took two hours to download one picture to your Macintosh Classic, but at least halfway through you got some nipple. (C-)

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