Tuesday, August 14, 2007

For Your Ear Hole: Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

I have to say, I don't think I've had a rock album on continuous rotation this much since Weezer's debut. (Although TV On The Radio's Return To Cookie Mountain has come close.) Somehow, Ga Ga manages to be one of those rare gems I can actually sit through without skipping a single track, although that may be because it's only 36 minutes. Spoon is able to swerve from the hauntingly eerie The Ghost Of You Lingers to the sunshiney, brass infused You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb with surprising fluidity. They enlisted production mastermind, Jon Brion for the booming anthem The Underdog, and the slickness of Don't You Evah manages to match the funky groove of Gimme Fiction's hit single, I Turn My Camera On. While it often seems to pine for lost love and understanding, Ga Ga is rife with variety and bursting with confidence. (A)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'll have to go to the music shop this weekend :)